
People build ventures

Building businesses that transform industries doesn’t happen by chance, you need a diverse and empowered team to make it happen.

At Blenheim Chalcot we believe that realising the potential of a business starts with seeing the potential in people. We develop talent by matching the right people with the right ventures and the right role, then giving them all the tools and trust they need to succeed.

Our early stage ventures work together in shared spaces, designed to encourage collaboration and innovation. Knowledge, networks and experience are continuously shared, with access to all the support and services they need provided by our in-house Venture Builder Services team. Our focus is creating the right environment for growth, so that our people can focus on rapidly building businesses that will transform industries.



Our values

We believe that it takes a certain type of person to build a venture. We have a set of values that guide who we hire, and how we approach venture building:

  • Never stop looking for a better way of doing things; be curious

  • Building businesses is fast-paced and fluid; be nimble

  • Sharing knowledge and networks builds better businesses; be generous

  • The best ideas aren’t always your own; seek diversity

  • Decisions should be driven by analytics and customer insight; embrace data

  • Hold yourself and others accountable for delivering high quality work; be conscientious

Our Venture Builder Services team

Made up of a diverse team of experts, it’s been designed to give our ventures an unfair competitive advantage by helping them through the logistical hurdles of launching, scaling and becoming exit-ready.

Blenheim Chalcot Venture Builder Services cover all business functions: tax, legal, talent, human resources, finance & accounting, sales, marketing, learning & development and business networking. The team works directly with the ventures at every step, helping them grow.

With Blenheim Chalcot Venture Builder Services support, CEOs and founding teams can focus their time, energy and cash on their most important priority: building innovative businesses, at rapid pace, that will transform industries.

Some key people at Blenheim Chalcot